The fiery tale of AI at Mangalore was a nightmare which each one of us would like to forget. But some wounds can’t be healed that easily. Approximately 400 people died in that ‘bloody’ ride. But with these 400 people, died the hopes of their 400 families. A bride lost her two brothers; families lost its 16 members in one go. It is easy to write this because I as a person have not lost anyone whom I call to be mine. But I can’t even think of the mental status of those who’s near and dear was killed by this devil.
The blame game is on. And it’s a simple thumb rule in aviation industry; after the crash if the Pilot is dead: Blame Him and if he is alive: screw him.
Some people are blaming the bad condition of the runway; some even dare to point the finger on the passengers who do not switch off their mobiles in the flight which further causes the clash of the radio signals.
But what is the use of blaming one another because the lives which are lost cannot be brought back. When we know that the ten-twelve airports are given the ‘DANGEROUS” status – I mean which do not qualify the coveted standards, in such case why can’t these politicians keep aside their political interests and solve the problem.
When I was a kid, I used to love the cartoon called ‘Duck Tales’ and in that my favourite character was ‘Launchpad’ who was a pilot and his every landing was a ‘Crash Landing’ but He always survived from those crash lands. But as I grew older, I realized that ‘Real’ life is altogether different from the ‘Toon’ Life. Here in Real life, flying a plane is not a Toon Business and you rarely survive a crash.
It is claimed that this is the worst air crash of the decade but when we are able to rate the crashes, this means that these crashes are not rare. Every time a crash happens people get a new topic of debate, discuss for few days till there is a new debatable issue. Politicians? They never bother to take their responsibility. But in case of Mangalore crash, Aviation Minister Mr. Praful Patel dared to take the responsibility by offering his resignation but the Prime Minister Mr. Manmohan Singh very wisely refused his plea and asked him to behave more responsibly by facing the situation and not by running away. I hope that the ‘Think Tank’ called Manmohan will be able to solve this trouble so that the Kingflyers Indians won’t face such trouble ever.