Saturday, August 30, 2014

God's own Shoulder

Amidst heavy rains and torturing traffic, manoeuvring their umbrellas as people try to find their way out, I can see this kid hardly a year old, oblivious to this downpour, sleeping peacefully on a strong shoulder under a big umbrella.

Sanguine he is as he knows that come what may this shoulder will never let him fall.

Confident he is as he knows that this strong shoulder will carry him in every thick and thin.

Optimistic he is as he knows that this shoulder belongs to the God Himself, His God whom he Calls “Papa”…

When God could not reach to each one of us, He created His Avatar whom we call "Father"...

You don't belong here

Walking through the plush malls of South Mumbai,

You come across Brands which are not much heard of in your middle class Life.

You come across Foreigners who try to find their home here.

You come across Girls from your own Country wearing bare minimum clothes trying to imitate those Foreigner Ladies.

You come across those Guys whom they call as 'Gays'.

You come across Restaurants which are not really 'Desi'.

You come across every thing that is High Class...

This city is changing, country is changing, this very change is bridging the gap between भारत and 'Indiyeah'.

But some where as the masses try to fall prey to this Westernisation, a voice resonates in your heart,

"You don't belong here..."

"You don't belong here..."

"You don't belong here..."

Think and then Act

While buying a Sim Card as I try to understand the activation procedure from the Sales Executive, I see this girl approaching.

As the Sales Executive hands over her new sim card to this Girl, very carelessly she removes the Old Sim card from her phone and puts in the new one.

I wonder about the fate of the old sim card, will she dispose it casually or will she destroy it properly?

It is when I see her breaking it into pieces.

I feel happy that She is careful enough to destroy the dead sim card before disposing it.

But alas my happiness doesn't last long as I see her lamenting that She has forgotten to copy her contacts from her old sim card.

Well, nothing against the girl,

But we humans, both women and men alike have a general tendency that We Act first and think later, when ideally it should be exactly the other way round...