It’s a Sunday Morning. You wake up early and decide to pay homage to your favourite God (Yes, in a country where there are so many Gods and Goddesses you do to have your favourite one, don’t you?)
You board the train which is jam-packed (Alas! Sunday isn’t a holiday for local trains) and travel for almost an hour.
You reach the place of worship to find an incessant queue of devotees. Soon you too become one of them.
You are piously waiting in the queue with your hands joined and eyes closed when a sound falls on your ears “एक आदमी का पचास रूपया”...
You don’t need an interpreter to tell you that they want you to pay money so that you can pay respect to your Lord.
A righteous self tells you to withdraw and join that queue where they aren’t charging. But it’s too late, you have already reached the cash counter, and you end up paying.
It takes a few more ‘crowded’ minutes before you enter the main hall of the Lord. But where is He? You can’t find Him. Many heads are creating a hindrance between you and Him.
Finally, your Eyes meet His. Hardly had you started praying when you find His eyes grim. Confused, you stare at Him, and the Lord begins to talk to you...
“Welcome son. Good to see you here. So, paid 50 bucks to see me?”
Ashamed, you lower your eyes. You don’t respond.
“It was I who created you, gave you an ability to think, and out of this thinking you could invent the concept called ‘Trade’.” The Lord continued.
You are confused but are eagerly listening.
“And today you have put me, your own creator on Sale.”
You have no words. You are still listening, gaze lowered even more now.
“I am omnipresent. But still you come here, pay money to see me, and then you offer me a plethora of things. Do you really think that this barter is going to work? I can see everything, good, bad and ugly, and your future is a consequence of your deeds in the past and the present. That is your Karma. Your money and other offerings simply don’t please me.”
You feel like apologizing, but before you could utter a word, a human voice hits your ears,
“यह कब से यहाँ खड़ा है, निकालो इसे बाहर”, one security personnel instructed another.