Sunday, October 18, 2020

Engaging Content is the Gateway to Success

Did you know, an average individual spends 24 hours in a week online? And what does one browse on the Internet? Yes, you are right! It’s the Content! It is this very fact which the Digital Marketers are harnessing upon, thus devising their Content Strategy to market their products.

The question now arises, “Is any Content enough to dig a gold mine?” The answer is a big No. Not every blog that you read or every video that you watch on the web goes viral.

Research suggests that an average span of human attention is 8 seconds ONLY. So, amidst the plethora of blogs and videos that pile up on one’s online feed, your Content needs to be engaging enough to stand out and keep the audience hooked.

What are the traits of Engaging Content?

·       Easy to understand.

·       Offers value to the audience.

·       Solves the problems of the audience.

·       Emotionally connects with the audience.

Just to cite an example, last year, when actor Rahul Bose tweeted about being charged ₹442 for just two bananas at a plush restaurant, Amazon Prime Video responded with a witty tweet, thus marketing their product.

Example of Engaging Content                                   Image Source:

Now that you have understood what Engaging Content is, let us now see why this Engaging Content is pivotal to Marketing Success of your business.


1.    Gives your brand it’s Recognition.

Engaging Content: Brand Recognition                                           Image Source:

The online world is a crowded place, and in real terms, the fittest survive here. If the brand doesn’t have appealing Content for its target audience, then in no time, the brand will be lost in the oblivion. Many who understand this rule, harp on Engaging Content to create awareness for their business.

WhiteHat Jr, a Coding learning Platform is one example which in no time has become a household name in India, thanks to its Engaging Content across all platforms.  

2.    Drives Traffic to your Website.

Engaging Content: Driving Traffic to Website                               Image Source:

Now that people know your brand, they should visit your website, which in turn would make them buy your products and services, thus adding to your Sales and Revenue. Engaging Content in the form of blog posts, social media feed or videos for that matter with a prominently visible ‘Call to Action’ or ‘CTA’ as they call it in the Marketing space can come to your rescue when it comes to driving traffic to your website.

How do you think the e-commerce giants like Amazon or Flipkart lure its customers into spending more?

3.    Personal Connect with your Customers.

Engaging Content: Customer Connect                                            Image Source:

Study reveals that 89% of Indian Consumers prefer to shop online. Understanding the pulse of the market, Brands these days are active on Social Media which is a part of Content Marketing wherein they give their clients a medium to voice their concerns and feedback.

Have you ever visited a website wherein a chat box pops up at the right corner? It allows clients to speak to a company's representative directly.

These measures give a sense of a personal touch as the customer feels empowered.

4.    Enhance your SEO Ranking

Engaging Content: SEO                                                                     Image Source: 

Engaging Content is more likely to be shared on the Internet, which makes it and in turn, your Brand visible to search engines like Google and Bing. Thus, enhancing your SEO Rankings.


Bill Gates once said, “Content is King,” in the contemporary times though, it’s not just Content but an Engaging Content that rules!  




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